Research group

Current PhDs:

Selected publications and working papers

. Identification and estimation of causal effects using non-concurrent controls in platform trials. Under Review, 2024.


. A fast bootstrap algorithm for causal inference with large data. Statistics in Medicine, 2024.

Preprint PDF Code arXiv

. Mambamixer: Efficient selective state space models with dual token and channel selection. Work in progress, 2024.


. Stable estimation of survival causal effects. Work in progress, 2023.


. Optimal Weighting for Estimating Generalized Average Treatment Effects. Journal of Causal Inference, 2022.

PDF arXiv

. Prevention of Covid-19 with the BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 Vaccines. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2021.


. Deep survival analysis with longitudinal X-rays for COVID-19. ICCV21, 2021.

PDF arXiv

. Conditional life expectancy estimation by ordered fractions of population with censored data. Work in Progress, 2019.


. CAB: Continuous Adaptive Blending Estimator for Policy Evaluation and Learning. Accepted at NeurIPS 2018 Workshop on Causal Learning and ICML 2019, 2019.

PDF arXiv

. Optimal probability weights for estimating causal effects of time-varying treatments with marginal structural Cox models. In Statistics in Medicine, 2018.

PDF Statistics in Medicine


SCH: Interpretable survival analysis of complex longitudinal data

Principal Investigator; NSF #2306556; 08/23-07/27; Total Award (USD): 1,168,412.00



External to NYU:


Other Interests

When I am not reading about biostatistics and data science, I like to learn more about contemporary history. I also enjoy keeping myself active by running. I love to play and listen to music, especially electronic and film music. Over the past few years, I have started several electronic music projects that involve production using Ableton Live. Last but not least, I love to play, cuddle and spoil my fluffy dog Mister Pom Princess ``PK” Cake.

Princess Cake